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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Shock and awe 2012- Israel's dangerous plans.

I received this email which frightened me. Debka is an Israeli organization.

A Message from Author and Former Television Producer Scott Wheeler, Executive Director of the National Republican Trust PAC



Dear Friend and Fellow Patriot:

Right now Obama and the Democrats are fighting the upcoming election battle in 12 critical swing states. We must respond right away or we will lose in November. Like you, I know that if we don't defeat Obama and the Democrats now our country may never recover the freedom and prosperity that was the promise of this great nation.


We have produced television ads to run nationwide and concentrated in the battleground states right now that will counter the Democrat attacks, including one that turns the table on Obama's vicious ad that accuses Romney of being complicit in a woman's death. Our ad, which is included in this message, accurately portrays Obama's culpability in the murder of Border Agent Brian Terry.

OUR TELEVISION ADS HAVE WON AWARDS FOR THEIR EFFECIVENESS. We may be the only organization that can stop the powerful Obama machine.


As you are probably aware, we have a great track record in exposing Democrat lies. Our Shock and Awe campaign from the 2008 election made the entire country notice Obama's 20 year relationship with his anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright. We helped organize the Tea Party and we were the driving force behind the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in the 2010 election. WE ARE THE REPUBLICANS YOU CAN TRUST! There are more reminders about our accomplishments below but let me explain what we are doing right now.

As it stands now, we are outgunned and outmanned, but we can still win our country back! As I have been saying on Fox News Channel, and as I have written in the Washington DC newspapers, in order to defeat Obama and Senate Democrats we must take over the narrative for the next two months STARTING NOW!!!

We have been laying the groundwork for this plan for three years, but I can no longer carry the financial load by myself.

The National Republican Trust PAC (GOPTrust) has been widely recognized by everyone in politics as the group that forces Democrats to change their strategy. We are not politicians- we are Americans who have been successful in other sectors responding to the political class in a logical way and saying the things that you would say if you had the opportunity.

Because of our team's background and training in various aspects of intelligence and counterintelligence and dealing with insurgencies, we have laid out an effective strategy for defeating the insurgent far-left Democrats such as Obama. We are now prepared to give you a glimpse of that strategy and ask for your help in initiating it right away. We will be running this strategy through our GOP Trust PAC and our nonprofit National Investigative Media.

In the 2010 election, we were the ONLY organization that spent more than we received in contributions. This means more than 100 percent of our 2010 donations went to the cause we are all fighting for- taking back our country.

GO HERE NOW .... To help us get our plans underway or keep reading to see some of the highlights of what we are doing...

This is what we need funding for right now:

Buy airtime to get our potent Fast and Furious television ad on in the swing states and on national TV
Purchase airtime for our Obamacare Tax ad that exposes Obama's lie about the taxes in his healthcare bill.
Also, purchase airtime for our hard-hitting ad that shows how Obama took our money and passed it out to his wealthy cronies.
We also produced an ad that mocks Obama's outrageous attempt to take credit for our military operations that got Osama bin Laden, at our website, it is listed as "These Guys".
You can see all of these ads and more at our website

In addition to all this, we are working on other projects to take away some of Obama's primary assets and make it harder for him to gain illegitimate advantage in the election:

1. Neutralize the Media

The so-called "mainstream media" is Obama and the Democrat's fifth column and according to many analysts (from the Left and Right) the media gives Democrats up to a 10 point advantage in the polls. Republicans have not revealed a plan yet for dealing with the media, WE HAVE!

We are going to attack them at their energy stream -- advertising dollars. We will continuously expose outrageous examples of media bias on a dedicated website which will list every sponsor of that news broadcast.

Visitors to the site will then be able to click a link next to each sponsor and register a complaint. Once we impact the supply line of cash from their advertisers, they will have to respond!

If the media is forced to constantly defend itself against our exposition of their liberal bias, they will be of little use to Obama and may actually be forced to cover him in a way that they haven't done so far.

2. Fight Big Labor

Republicans have long been victims of outrageous political activities of Big Labor unions, which basically have come out and admitted to having a socialist orientation. Despite their massive funds and political power, we have been able to neutralize the power of unions like no one else has in the past.

Our union ad in Wisconsin was one of the most effective television ads EVER seen on TV. Pollster Frank Luntz said as much in a Fox News interview about our ad:

"We have been testing ads in Wisconsin for the last two months and almost all of them have failed... Either they appeal to Republican partisans or Democrat partisans but not both until the Republican Trust [GOP Trust] came in. This is one of the rare times in American politics today when a very clear, very tough message appeals across the political spectrum... They set the proper context... They set the proper tone."
-- Frank Luntz, Fox News Channel, America Live, 3/30/2011.

More than 18 states are considering legislation to reign in collective bargaining measures that are strangling their economy. Congress is currently considering another taxpayer bailout out -- the Post Office -- because of absurd collective bargaining demands.

We must keep these ads and ones similar to them on the air.

3. Counter Hollywood Propaganda

We already know that Obama's Hollywood allies are making a movie about him killing Osama bin Laden. Obama's shameful attempt to take absolute credit for Osama bin Laden's death is un-presidential and is a slap in the face to the thousands of soldiers, sailors, and airmen for whom he has no respect.

We produced an ad to set the record straight and to take the killing of bin Laden off the political table for Democrats.

This ad is part of our strategy to use the Democrat's and the media's favorite weapon against us ridicule -- and use it against them.

This ad effectively paints Obama as ineffective and obtuse while taking the killing of Osama bin Laden off the table for Democrats.

One of the reasons Obama was elected to begin with was because of the image crafted by his campaign -- and repeated in the media -- that he was "cool" and that it is cool to be in Obama's camp.

Our ad and other strategies are taking "cool" away from Obama and weakening his very superficial support among independents and weak minded voters.

If we make it no longer fashionable to be an Obama supporter it will undermine his ability to be reelected.

4. Defend the Tea Party

We are constantly being told by the media that the Tea Party movement is becoming increasingly unpopular. This is a well-orchestrated plan intended to delegitimize and suppress the effectiveness of the most powerful grassroots uprising in decades. The Left knows an energized Tea Party will lead to Obama's defeat.

Democrats and their partners in the media are constantly lying about what the Tea Party movement stands for and no one comes to their defense. Typically I respond to the liberal's attacks on the Tea Party in my news column, but we need to do more. We need to be able to respond with ads that fight back and respond with the facts.

Look no further than the media's response last year to union boss Jimmy Hoffa saying "We got to keep an eye on the battle that we face: The war on workers. And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party.... President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these sons of bitches out...."

We see rhetoric like this daily with Democrats accusing the peaceful Tea Party as being just as vicious without a shred of evidence.

We cannot let these attacks go unchecked. We need to be able to respond on a national level with ads that expose the phony lies the Left has put out about the Tea Party.

5. More Ads for More Conservatives

We must continue to produce and air our award winning TV and radio campaign ads in districts and states where we can elect true free market conservatives. Our independent expenditures have turned the tide for conservative candidates time and time again.

Our ads are effective because we can say things in our ads that the candidates cannot. We do not and will not stay above the fray. The outcome of the presidential election and the balance of the U.S. Senate will come down to several key states this year. It will be critical to build momentum and prep the battlefield in these states. Blanketing the airwaves with our ads will do just that.

Now is the time for Action! Democrat strategists believe that Obama is vulnerable in this election and the right tactics will lead to his defeat. Time is of the essence as Obama rebuilds his grassroots organization and builds a trap to use in blaming Republicans for his failed economic policy.

The GOP Trust has a history of success in these efforts and we're accountable only to you, our supporters and not to any special interest.

In the 2010 election, we were the ONLY organization that spent more than we took in. This means more than 100 percent of your 2010 donations went to the cause of electing true conservatives.

I encourage you to visit our website to see the many accomplishments we have had over the last 4 years. Here are just a few examples:

We were first in and last out during the debt ceiling fight producing and airing multiple TV ads and sending hundreds of thousands of letters to every member of Congress.
Our national and local TV and radio campaign ads and independent expenditures have elected dozens of true conservative leaders at the state and federal levels.
Our cutting edge documentary Breaking Point that aired nationwide and in dozens of key states contributed to critical Republican victories in 2010.
We brought the issue of the Ground Zero Mosque into everyone's living rooms and energized millions with our national TV ad.
Our famous Reverend Jeremiah Wright ads exposed Obama's ties to the venomous preacher when others were afraid to attack.
Our explosive book Shadow Government exposed Obama's long list of radical czars and was the catalyst for public outrage, congressional hearings, and high profile resignations.
Our investigative team exposed Obama's stimulus money going to fund the Marxist Brecht Forum.
Our investigative team also exposed the many lies Obama utilized during the healthcare debate.
By blocking their attempts to pass Obamacare legitimately, our national and local TV and radio ads forced them to use illegitimate tactics, thus exposing Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.
We have been producing and airing ads aimed at raising questions about Obama's fitness for office in order to try and soften up the independent voters for a stronger message that we are going to roll out over the next 2 months. You may have seen some of these ads, which are designed to open the minds of moderates and make way for the next wave of ads.
WE CAN NO LONGER SEND MODERATE REPUBLICANS TO NEGOTIATE WITH LEFT-WING EXTREMIST DEMOCRATS, so we have a project that must be funded right away. It is defeating Republican's who are sympathetic to Obama, in their primaries, which are coming up now! I speak of people such as Dick Lugar from Indiana, who has voted repeatedly to give the United Nations more power over US citizens, an unforgivable act of treachery. Lugar has a strong primary opponent who we are backing and can win in November. We need to run independent expenditures in this state right away.
We are also rolling out right now an effective counter offensive to the liberal so-called mainstream media to neutralize their affect on the election this year. Obama could not have won in 2008 if it weren't for the help of the media. As a former journalist I know best how to cut them off at the pass and put them on the defensive which will diminish their ability to help Obama win again.
As I said before, these are plans we have been working on for three years, building the structures, conducting the investigations and laying the groundwork as part of our strategy to take the country back from the radical Left. It has not been cheap and I cannot afford to finance it myself. But I WILL FIGHT ON IF YOU ARE WITH ME!!

IF YOU ARE IN, PLEASE LET ME KNOW WITH A DONATION OF $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can spare.

Together we will defeat Obama
and take back America!!

Please don't leave us hanging out to dry!!! Act now and we will defeat Obama and the Democrats. It is an imperative for the nation's survival!

If you are in a position to give more than $5,000, please see the link below. It is for Super PAC donors and there is no limit because of the new Supreme Court ruling. We can even accept corporate donations to the National Republican Super PAC.

Click Here to Donate to the Super PAC.

If you prefer to send a check, here is the address:
The National Republican Trust PAC
2100 M Street NW
Suite 170-340
Washington, DC 20037


Scott Wheeler
Executive Director

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Get a signed advance copy of Scott Wheeler's new book
Promoting Decline: Obama vs. America and find out what Obama is doing to promote
the decline of the greatest nation in history and destroy our freedom.

Order now and get free shipping!

(Proceeds go to the National Republican Trust PAC to defeat Obama
and the Democrats in the upcoming 2012 election!)

Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
2100 M St. NW Suite 170-340 Washington, DC 20037-1233

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC
are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

The National Republican Trust PAC is not an official RNC committee.
We are conservative Republicans dedicated to helping restore the GOP
to its historic conservative roots by mobilizing like-minded Republicans nationwide.

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