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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Boy racers And friends of Zoro

As the Holy Month of Ramadan approaches, London, my favourite Arab city begins to brace itself for an August without them as the boy racers and Black Moving Objects , hey any friend of Zoro is a friend of mine, begin to migrate to their respective motherlands .
No doubt the shops will miss them as will the cafes and shisha bars that have become commonplace in the Capital.
Even the noisy boy racers in their Viagra upped super cars will hang their keys till next year after this weekend.
The out maneuvered Moroccan and eastern European young ladies who play an important role in the sex lives of these visitors must be sighing with relief as their gulf counterparts took no prisoners in the lucrative summer sex market.
With a heat wave expected it will truly be a hot summer and us locals may finally get some peace.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Clock is ticking.

The clock is ticking for not only Gadaffi and Assad.
Mad Mo is making a last stand as the French try to find a political solution before the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadan.  His ranting of taking the war to the heart of European cities are just rantings as America finally acknowledged the TNC as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people opening up the way to get their hands on Libya's frozen overseas assets . And so the war profiteers continue to celebrate as visions of billions being syphoned their way become a reality.
Nice to know that capitalism dressed up as justice and democracy is still able to rear its ugly head.
Syria which continues to massacre its own citizens at an alarming rate has now crossed the invisible line that compels the International Community to act in unison. The turning point could have been the heavy weaponry and scud missiles sent to Hezbollah that could target not only major cities in Israel but in neighboring Arab countries too.
Assad unlike other deposed leaders will  only find refuge in Tehran as he is unwelcome in Saudi Arabia a traditional sanctuary for deposed despots and no doubt he would want to escape the Hague.
If recent rumours of a US -Russian - German initiative takes hold his departure though inevitable may be sooner than we think.
Saleh of Yemen will be in Saudi Arabia for the foreseeable future and with waning American influence on Saudi policy as King Abdulla  is still seething at the way the Americans treated Hosni Mubarak and how they handed Iraq to the Iranians the Khalifa family of Bahrain have a temporary reprieve.
Then we come to Palestine and their bid for statehood. As a Palestinian I can not renounce the right of return of other Palestinians and neither should Abbas. Time demographics and changing world opinion make a purely Jewish state unfeasible. The Israeli intransigence to a viable two state solution and the extent of the land heist of Palestinian ancestral lands makes a mockery of an unified cohesive Palestinian State.
I say just wait it out till the  Israeli's are forced to annex us then let them try in this day and age not to give us the universal freedoms that are enjoyed in the free world . If it is not a just solution it is not a solution and we should no longer fear to stand up and be heard.
The World is watching and hypocrisy and double standards no longer are the order of the day. The clock is ticking

Wednesday 13 July 2011

impotent america

With the holy month of Ramadan less than three weeks away the world is no closer to getting rid of Gaddafi in Libya, or Assaad in Syria. In fact both dictators seem to be emboldend by the impotence and lack of resolve shown by America and its allies.
The NATO bombings no doubt have taken their toll on Gaddafi's ageing military capability  but months after the campaign started it is NATO's  determination that is beginning to show cracks.As for Syria democratic rhetoric has only empowered the bloodthirsty regime to continue its brutal crackdown.
Partly due to the hypocritical approach that America has chosen to apply to the Middle East and partly due to incompetence, corruption and moral failings the influence they once enjoyed is rapidly fading.Their lack of a coherent and just solution for the Palestinian Israeli issue and their reliance on corrupt dictatorships have helped erode the core values they claim to espouse
Unfortunately there is no political Viagra to cure the impotence, with a failing economy and confused sense of morality the once infallible America no longer holds the key to peace.
Change in the Middle East is inevitable and it is up to the citizens to take charge of their destiny and no longer rely on the lip service to democratic values that  the west claim as their own. 
The people of the Arab spring have shown remarkable courage, over coming their fear to shake of the shackles of repression. The hypocrisy they received shows it is time to remember the great heritage of the Arabs for it is there where true emancipation lies.

Saturday 9 July 2011


Rupert Murdoch is flying into London to deal with the" Phonegate" scandal at his News of the World publication.
Murdoch's interests stretches all around the world, would be Presidents and Prime -ministers  seek out his endorsement if they want to be elected or reelected. He is a powerful man. He backed wars, and swayed public opinion but suddenly a hacking scandal could jeopardize his media empire .
He announced he will shut down his most successful Sunday paper this week in an effort not to derail his Satellite TV ambitions as he awaits control over BSkyB.
Hundreds will lose their jobs, former editors have been arrested and the cynical amongst us think he will wait a few months and launch a reinvented version of the paper. Others think he might focus more on the growing Indian and Chinese markets, but whatever he does he will no doubt be ruthless.
What surprises most people is he did not sack his editor Rebeekah Brooks despite it being the obvious choice. I wonder who she is sleeping with?

Friday 1 July 2011

Room Service

With the sex assault case against Dominique Strauss Khan on the verge of collapse it looks like the soul searching it invoked on how Frenchmen treat women will only be temporary.
Having been made to resign from his job as head of the International Monetary Fund after being accused of attempted rape and and forcing his victim to give him oral sex the " compelling and unwavering " victim seems to be less convincing as prosecutors and defence lawyers begin to unravel major flaws in her credibility.
What will be interesting to see is the lawsuits that would inevitably follow if the case collapsed.
The City of New York , the various police departments concerned  the State Prosecutors office and no doubt the media outlets world wide that rushed to condemn the man before he was tried will all be entangled in what would be a multi million dollar lawsuit.
No doubt he had sex with her as his lawyers argued that the sex was consensual and not forced.
Now whether he can make a political comeback as France's  leading candidate to take on Sarkozy will be interesting to see. In the meantime there will be many insurance firms quaking in their boots as they contemplate the enormous payouts should the charges be dropped.
Nice to see the universe has a way of correcting itself.