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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

The Clock is ticking.

The clock is ticking for not only Gadaffi and Assad.
Mad Mo is making a last stand as the French try to find a political solution before the beginning of the Holy month of Ramadan.  His ranting of taking the war to the heart of European cities are just rantings as America finally acknowledged the TNC as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people opening up the way to get their hands on Libya's frozen overseas assets . And so the war profiteers continue to celebrate as visions of billions being syphoned their way become a reality.
Nice to know that capitalism dressed up as justice and democracy is still able to rear its ugly head.
Syria which continues to massacre its own citizens at an alarming rate has now crossed the invisible line that compels the International Community to act in unison. The turning point could have been the heavy weaponry and scud missiles sent to Hezbollah that could target not only major cities in Israel but in neighboring Arab countries too.
Assad unlike other deposed leaders will  only find refuge in Tehran as he is unwelcome in Saudi Arabia a traditional sanctuary for deposed despots and no doubt he would want to escape the Hague.
If recent rumours of a US -Russian - German initiative takes hold his departure though inevitable may be sooner than we think.
Saleh of Yemen will be in Saudi Arabia for the foreseeable future and with waning American influence on Saudi policy as King Abdulla  is still seething at the way the Americans treated Hosni Mubarak and how they handed Iraq to the Iranians the Khalifa family of Bahrain have a temporary reprieve.
Then we come to Palestine and their bid for statehood. As a Palestinian I can not renounce the right of return of other Palestinians and neither should Abbas. Time demographics and changing world opinion make a purely Jewish state unfeasible. The Israeli intransigence to a viable two state solution and the extent of the land heist of Palestinian ancestral lands makes a mockery of an unified cohesive Palestinian State.
I say just wait it out till the  Israeli's are forced to annex us then let them try in this day and age not to give us the universal freedoms that are enjoyed in the free world . If it is not a just solution it is not a solution and we should no longer fear to stand up and be heard.
The World is watching and hypocrisy and double standards no longer are the order of the day. The clock is ticking

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