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Monday 1 August 2011

Syria and the Devil.

 So the Holy month has arrived and the ophthalmologist come mass murderer continues the slaughter of his own people in attempt to subdue attempts at dissent. The international community still looks on impotently with  even the normally vocal Turks conspicuously silent as the tanks shell Hama for the second day. It is said that the gates of hell are closed on the first night of Ramadan and all the devils chained. Not so in Syria!
This regime is in its dying throes but one senses that humanity at large should be active in preventing this human cull.
With barely an attempt at outrage the Americans, who have been locked in a partisan fight about increasing the debt ceiling and already feeling war fatigued from years of fighting in the wrong wars, have acknowledged their Middle East failures and limit their interaction to a few soundbites. The Europeans are just as bad letting crass commercialism determine their political morality .
I can only pray that there is a spiritual awakening within the corrupt regime that will internally put a stop to these massacres, and for the sake of closure this despot and his cronies are brought to justice.

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