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Saturday 22 October 2011

Oh what a lovely war.

With the Euro in shambles and America in recession it won't be long before a new war is provoked to kick start the military industrial complex of the West.
The prime target playground for this folly has without doubt got to be somewhere in the Middle East. As Libya proved to be a great venue to test and showcase the latest the West has to offer in Aerial death technology, and reconstruction profits start trickling back the thirst for more will play its role.
With tensions already high in Syria and Iran upping the rhetoric as well as the drama by seizing the British Embassy and raising their flag, it will only be a matter of time when someone somewhere will be responsible for sparking what could be another disastrous episode in history.
The dynamics for counter revolution are already surfacing in Egypt and have been apparent in the Gulf from the start. With the Turks experiencing a new Ottoman resurgence, the Russians and Chinese will not be sidelined this time round.There will be no long term winners only a few war profiteers suckling on the nipple of an exhausted Mother Earth.
Well nobody got rich without war.

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