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Saturday 25 June 2011

Arise Syria the great from your shackles..

Despite the lack of a military will  by  the World powers more help is needed to stop the mass and habitual killing of protesters.
Syria will no doubt implode from the inside if the economy continues to slide. As one diplomat put it "When they are no longer capable of paying the salaries of bureaucrats, the army, the police and their Alawite militia this crisis will balloon and bring about the collapse of the regime,this is a train wreck waiting to happen." Signs of stretched resources and fraying loyalties are already apparent so let us hope that Russian reticence to a meaningful United Nations resolution condemning the regime remains only as that and no financial assistance is afforded to it so it can continue the brutality so far displayed. Recent statements from Moscow are a little more reassuring however not enough.
By allowing the slaughter of his own people for the preservation of himself and his inner circle  has he lost any semblance of legitimacy and should be tried for crimes against humanity. This regime can not be part of a reform process with so much blood on it's hands.  Due to this lack of a military will  and the political get out of jail cards offered by the International  community and the World powers more help is needed to stop the mass killing of protesters.
For Syria's allies in Lebanon, the first step to support Damascus has already been taken. After months of delay, Prime Minister Najib Mikati formed a new Lebanese government  dominated by pro-Syrian parties, including Hezbollah.
That followed five months of political vacuum after Hezbollah and its allies toppled Western-backed Saad al-Hariri's coalition in a dispute over a U.N.-backed tribunal investigating the killing in 2005 of statesman Rafik Hariri.
Hezbollah supported pro-democracy movements that toppled Western-backed leaders in Tunisia and Egypt, but officials say it will not stand idly by as international pressure mounts on Assad to yield to protesters. Hassan Nasrallah now sounded more like President Truman  who once famously said about the Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza " he may be a bastard but he is our bastard" that he too did not care if Khamenei and Assad tortured and murdered their own people - so far as they kept him in business.
The fear for Israel is Asaad opens two fronts against Israel on the Golan and South Lebanon buying him more time to weave his deceit .
My gut feeling is despite international hesitation  there is growing real disassociation between his regional trading partners and military patrons.
Assad has become a liability to his partners and enemies and the extent of the evil his brother exhibited is an affront to humanity.
Aleppo rise up and make us proud, Damascus stand tall and show us the way don't lose thousands of yearsof noble history for four decades of misery. 

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