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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Thoughts at the end of the night.

Talking democracy.
I can't quite understand what people think democracy really  is. When Hamas won elections that did not meet western expectations suddenly they became pariahs. When the United Kingdom did not have a conclusive result you got a coalition of the sick effing the dead .Each culture in it's own way rebels against repression and in the transformation may become as repressive as it's predecessor. Change is inevitable, suffering optional .
Tonight I experienced a diversity of encounters all of them fascinating in their own way but also disturbing.
Disturbing in the fact that elitism, racism and ignorance were not only thriving but breeding as well. Now call me old fashioned but there were unwritten rules that were boundaries  for people to respect.
Today I for the first time felt shocked when comments like " I have black friends " ah " but Labradors don't count" were the mildest of offensive words that slipped off the tongues of supposedly intelligent people.
Once politics was discussed the conversations became even more animated . All is fair in love and war but unless economic considerations are accounted for then we are all going to be at each others neck. Life really is too short, let us try to achieve happiness which is a journey not a destination, otherwise the hardships of life will make us bitter not better.
We are living in an age where past brutal behaviour is no longer acceptable. When change is inevitable lay back and enjoy it and one should always remember that the universe has a way of correcting itself.
For me democracy is the right to self determination, the knowledge that one can criticise their leaders without fear of repercussion , the right to economic and political freedom without interference or intimidation.  Where meritocracy is acknowledged and mediocrity catered for. No one is intimidated or revered but all are appreciated for their part in the mechanics that make us live and thrive whether we are soldiers sailors tinkers or  tailors rich men or  poor men  beggars or thieves .
That is what is to be free to live in a multi plural environment that we can thrive in not just live.

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