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Thursday 9 June 2011

Change or be changed.

As Britain and France push for a United Nations resolution condemning Syria that is acceptable to Russia more troops and tanks are gathering around the northern town of Jisr al-Shughour, near the Turkish border.
Led by the Good Doctor's  feared evil and cruel brother Maher " the Butcher "another massacre is in the making as the one hundred and twenty soldiers that were killed recently were most probably executed for refusing to fire on civilians. This could show signs that the edifice of Bashar 's regime is finally crumbling if dissension in the Army becomes widespread. 
If the Army is prepared to side with the people as they did in Egypt we could see rapid regime change.
Eager to blame everything on armed gangs and Al Qaida the Syrian regime has tried to depict them as "trained to use weapons, commit massacres, mutilate bodies and steal military uniforms and equipment, but are also trained to participate in the media misdirection against Syria, making the satellite channels that broadcast such videos accomplices in the crimes and massacres committed by armed terrorist groups against civilians, policemen and security and army personnel".
Joshua Landis - a US Syrian-watcher who tends to be sympathetic towards  The regime  told the New York Times "Bashar al-Assad has modern tanks and helicopters, a well-trained army, and lots of firepower. The opposition has Facebook."
However as more  Army and Security personnel defect to the side of decency it will only be a matter of time before regime change takes place.
Massacres as in the past are no longer acceptable and the Hague awaits this evil regime for the crimes against humanity that they have perpetuated and in the words of that other war criminal Tony Blair "change or be changed ". A warning to all dictators in the region I think.

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