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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Beware The Ides of March

In Libya without doubt Gaddafi has to go. This ruthless and blood thirsty homicidal maniac should be removed rapidly before more innocent lives are lost.
In Egypt the military should move faster to concede  power to a civilian authority as hard as it is for them to finally relinquish control after nearly sixty years of unchallenged leadership.
Their reliance on old tactics show how pressure should be continued to be put upon them if real change is going to occur. They cannot be trusted to do it voluntarily.
In Bahrain an up to now relatively benevolent despotic rule has to come to an end as any legitimacy the ruling family may have had has been lost once they turned their guns on their population.
In Jordan King Abdullah II has to accept the new dynamics in the region and work-towards a constitutional monarchy where the King would provide a counter balance to the parliament if ever the people were threatened.
But he has to choose , is it the Meds or the Beds?
In Israel there has to be a real effort to give a just peace to the Palestinians if they wish to ensure stability and prosperity for its people.
In Palestine we just need an honest leadership who will protect the rights of the population.
Syria, so far has been able to oppress any thoughts for freedom and is rapidly trying to take the steam out of any movements for change. But watch this space it could erupt at any time. God help the region then.
In Saudi the regime has been successful so far in purchasing the loyalty of protesters but I doubt that unless  real reform takes place it will be calm for much longer.
In Yemen regime change is underway , and it is unlikely that the present ruler will survive. Algeria will not be far behind.
Kuwait, Qatar, Oman and the UAE have managed like Saudi so far to buy time and if real unrest were to take place then they would most probably do a runner.
Their American cities without the Americans will not  last long .
No human rights,  rule of law or respect for human dignity will see these supermarkets in the sand disappear in the dunes of time as it seems the desire of a regime to stay in power is indirectly proportional to the real estate they hold overseas.
Another dancing girl or spin of a roulette wheel? When they buy football clubs and race horses they do not need with assets they purloined on the backs of honest hard working expatriates are we surprised that this  bodes badly for a generation of young Sheiks who rule with an arrogance that comes only with the knowledge that their money can buy lawmakers on both sides of the Atlantic! No, as they protect the interests of American and European corporations and governments who are willing to support these tinpot states despite their appalling human rights records and lack of natural justice.
This is no longer acceptable. Silence is compliance.
Beware the Ides of March.They are their own Brutus but without the nobility of acting for the common good. Time for change.
Ditto for the remaining countries of the Arab league. It will not be long before they are all exposed for what they are.
Now whether this desire for change , political and economic participation,and for  more  say in how these brave young people want to shape their future will spread to the far east particularly China will be interesting to see .
The one thing for sure is Saddam  the original Butcher of Baghdad is smiling in his grave. America has been hoisted by its own petard.
Are we ready for a brave new frontier? I truly believe we are.
Viva la revolution , though the resolution is still opaque.  The outcome will be beautiful,
Happy new era :)       


  1. Love it! Especially the part about Saddam :) although he himself might be in trouble today had W and his cronies not unjustly and brutally destroyed Iraq and toppled him. A wonderful new era is indeed dawning. I only hope that for the sake of the brave youths who have risked and sacrificed their lives it fulfills its promise.

  2. Brilliant additions! As usual, I might add. May the outcome indeed be beautiful. Those who have fought so hard and sacrificed so much deserve it.

  3. At last a positive statement from Hague. Now do something about it.
    Though I am still confused what Clegg is doing, perhaps he should go back skiing? Suggestions anyone?
