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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Monday 21 February 2011

Slap my ass and call me Sally.

Well slap my ass and call me Sally , the blood bath that is Libya has not even got a proper response from the West.
Saif or Safe ( were the money is) is as blood thirsty as his father and despite his shooting jaunts with the  Rothschilds or Blairs of the world and his known perversions which only spur my anger on there is no proper response from the International community.
 Have they bought our moral compass that there is no real reaction?
Time for them to go. The brutality the Libyan regime have shown are too horrific to mention.
Me thinks in in my own simple way that the perceived leader of the western world is a one time wonder as moral leadership is obviously lacking. In the words of George W " I  f##d you but thanks for blaming the black guy".
Brazil who heads the S.C now wants the issues to be discussed .With who? Rome is burning and we are all fiddling.
Now I know a Brazilian is a as useless as a merkin.
The Arab youth is finally not scared. I thank them for they have made us all proud.
 Jets and all forty two years of oppression have only reinforced the need for Gaddafi to be tried. The Hague should expect another load of psychopaths that need their crimes exposed. Revenge is sweet and not fattening. 

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