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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Friday 25 February 2011

Friend of Nat R has plan. Great !


Tripoli is once again in chaos as militias loyal to Muammar Gaddafi opened fire on protesters as they streamed out of mosques after Friday prayers. 
 Marchers left their mosques and converged on Tripoli's Green Square, where they were showered with bullets, killing many. The opposition movement now holds Benghazi, the country's second-largest city.
 In response, the Gaddafi regime is continuing to dig in: In an interview Gaddafi's son and budding psychopath Saif al-Islam, said, "Plan A is to live and die in Libya, Plan B is to live and die in Libya, Plan C is to live and die in Libya."
Nice friend you have there Nat!
No mention of Andy Mandy or Tony donating the cash they got to charity. Hmm 

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