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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Monday 28 February 2011

The Sheiks are a shaking.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord, the normally docile populations of the Gulf are finally waking up.
There is an old anecdote when they asked a American , a Frenchman and a Gulf Arab if sex was a pleasure or hard work?
"Ah " said the American  with a hesitation that is worthy of this administration, " as it entails both a financial  as well as a physical effort it is definitely hard work" .
" oh la la" continued the Frenchman with a grin that could be mistaken for an inappropriate holiday that is usually the demise of English princes and northern politicians " it iz a pleasure, there is the wining the dining and sixty"
A silent pause then ensues before the Gulf Arab pontificates " Tara , it must be a bleasure or we would have got the foreigners to do it" .
Well that sums up their governance policy.
In Bahrain Kuwait and Oman it is long time residents as well as home bred citizens who are clamouring for their universally acclaimed and up to now denied human rights.
In the other supermarkets it is their steamrolling of natural laws of justice , labour equality and lack of common decency that finally begets their own downfall.
These rulers are no longer fit for purpose .
They are no longer fit to run a football club or a racehorse let alone the lives of real people with real needs and aspirations .
Arise young Arabia and play your part in a common humanity.
Sunshine guaranteed , you make us proud with your sacrifices.  It is time to shake rattle and tell the oppressors to roll.
Now maybe Andy Mandy and Blair may finally donate their ill gotten gains to charity. Surely they don't want more blood on their hands.

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