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Saturday 19 February 2011

Two spare tickets to the Bahrani grand prix. anyone?

Starting lineup for the Bahrain Grand Prix
Events in Libya, Bahrain , Yemen and Algeria are disturbing to me on many levels.
I had with childlike naivety believed that a leader had a social contract with his people to protect them and if that contract was broken that leader and his entourage automatically lost their right to govern.
By turning their weapons which were supplied by the West on their populations for regime preservation they have voided their legitimacy and also raised disturbing questions about whether they can be trusted to be a responsible member of the international community.
The response so far from the International community has been weak at best and at times irresponsible when William Hague asks  for restraint on the use of "  excessive violence"what does he mean? So a little cruelty is O.K.
Thanks for telling us William.
With violence being the norm  The deposed late King Farouk was right in saying that only five Kings would remain. The King of England and the four Kings in a deck of cards.
If the West is unprepared to support the legitimate and universally recognized principles that The Arab street is demanding then they too have failed in providing not only security for their people but also should not be surprised if the rhetoric in the Arab Street becomes anti western which so far  to a large extent has been non existent. It's not about the great Satan but legitimate demands of freedom of choice and self determination.
But Americas use of their veto at the Security Council will not go down well. The issue in the overall scheme of things would have brought them The Arabs Streets goodwill whilst putting Israel on notice that the political dynamics in the region are rapidly changing.
 Hillary Clinton says it's not the right forum. Thanks for letting us know that the UN is not the right forum Hills baby!
Ah well nobody listens.  But on the lighter side I have two spare tickets in the Royal box for the Bahraini grand prix if any body wants them.       

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately it seems the West is usually only prepared to tout it's belief in democratic principles and apply them at home. When upholding these principles runs counter to protecting their interests, Western powers simply look the other way, or worse yet, support despots and their undemocratic actions.
