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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

Walking into the light

It's a wicked game that is being played out in the Middle East.
Accusations of Command and Control  centers in Tel-Aviv , brain warping TV coverage out of Doha , drug taking youths in Benghazi to Al Qaida operatives and the resurgence of militant Islam.These despots are blaming everyone except themselves.
Well make up your minds this is not some grand master scheme with a Hollywood villain stroking, ironically, a white Persian .
Physician heal thyself. And that's what the Middle East is doing. We are purging ourselves from the Dictatorial maniacs who have been denying us the freedom of choice and right of self determination that we yearn for.
No doubt there are several countries and or Organizations that have an interest in the instability and chaos that is ensuing but the majority don't. A few will benefit short term but in this age where freedom of information is a human right and easily collated nothing is hidden for long.
The funny thing with revolutions is they don't ever go the way one expects.
The Intelligence community at large is running around like a headless chicken as they are not as competent as they had us believe.
Should we be hating the players or the game? Both most probably;The result however I am sure will be sensational.
Now that the extent of the barbarism and cruelty  that has been employed in propping up and keeping these regimes in power is known it makes you wonder what we have been afraid of for so long.
It reminds me of the words of Plato "we can forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy is when men are afraid of the light".
The Children of Arabia have lived in the dark for too long. Now they are walking bravely into the light the world should be encouraging them.  


  1. It should indeed. The remarkable thing is that their fervor and commitment to their cause are such that they continue to seek the light, despite the world's tepid response so far. For that they deserve the highest of commendations.
