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Thursday 17 March 2011

Disgrace or chaos, your call!

Disgraceful , disgraceful, disgraceful.
When Mad Mo and psycho Saif are allowed to continue their spree of butchery because the decent remain silent then God help us all.
The Mad Dog sounded ruthless as he vowed no mercy . Let us pray that this is just the rantings of a regime in it's death throws and the International Community will stop this threatened bloodbath .
What effectively were foreign mercenaries helping break up peaceful protesters in Manama is as disgraceful as allowing the regime in Libya stay in power.We understand that there are forces at play in Bahrain with six leaders of the opposition arrested. This is not right.
Regional players, foreign interests  and large amounts of money are all contributing factors that will continue to change the dynamics of the Middle East.
We are stunned and impressed by how rapidly Sultan Qaboos of Oman responded to demands for change in order avert turning his guns on his own people.
We were shocked by the ferocity of the Saudi response to their people's legitimate aspirations and their arming of the regime in Yemen.
Israel has so far been lucky that it's repression of Palestinian rights has come out of the limelight but rest assured this is only a temporary setback. These issues will be on the front burner soon.
For stability to prevail  the universally acknowledged aspirations of all the peoples of the Middle East have to be addressed.
The will of the people has to prevail. We have not to be afraid , the security of the world is dependent on this.
The recent tragedy in Japan has shown the inherent dangers that are present in the nuclear power industry.
 Oil is here to stay for the foreseeable future. When the will of the people is not recognized  then how the house of cards falls which it invariably will as it did in Communist Eastern Europe two decades ago will effect our collective security.
We have to have the moral courage and natural decency to defend these aspirations and desires, basic  human rights , otherwise it will be chaos for us all for a long time to come.


  1. Now implement resoloution 1973

  2. Ironic though that while GCC and mostly Saudi forces invade Bahrain to quell peaceful demonstrators for democracy, the Saudis are among those who might participate in the implementation of resolution 1973. And this after terrorising their own populace into submission. If only we lived in a ideal world where legitimate aspirations were supported across the board for their own sake and illegitimate leaders recognized their own illegitimacy and stepped down. I guess we don't, however, and at least one very courageous movement has finally been promised well-deserved support. Yes, implement the resolution, and fast! Otherwise Gaddafi may use the delay to forge ahead with as many bloodbaths as he can manage and sacrifice thousands more innocent lives.
