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Sunday 20 March 2011

Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are dead!

It is so frustrating when after the mammoth international effort to get UNSC resolution 1973 passed then finally get surgical strikes to stop Mad Mo massacring his own people that the Arab League does a one eighty degree turn.
No moral backbone from regimes that should have long gone.
Madness ! Then you have Qatar openly supporting the effort  and the United Arab Emirates trying to support it secretly. More pure madness. Either be proud of what you are doing or don't do it.
In case Willy Hague is a complete moron then it is better for him to remain silent and seem a fool then open his mouth and remove all doubt.
It is about regime change, don't fool yourself or others by saying it is anything else.
All this double speak just causes confusion and gives the sick regime propaganda coups that are unnecessary.
End the regime now otherwise evil will take hold all over,we owe it to future generations.
It is the least we can do.

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