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Friday 4 March 2011

House for the homeless available.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. the son of the Libyan leader, is planning to make more than half a million pounds a year renting out his home in north London. He is trying to rent out an eight-bedroom home in Hampstead for £9,750 a week. He bought the house two years ago through a British Virgin Islands-registered company for £10 million. A Sunday newspaper reported that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, son of Col Muammar Gaddafi, bought the house in the wealthy suburb of Hampstead in north London and spent some time there with his entourage
Picture: Glentree International

Watching Saif being interviewed as he clasps his hands in prayer while talking as if he is in charge denying that there is a problem yet asserting he knows everything that is going on is quite sad. It was only recently he was waving a machine gun and shooting at innocent people, but seeing him in his black and white lumberjack shirt arguing a lost cause is repulsive.
Without doubt he is very slick and it is obvious he has been well rehearsed this time as he spouts sound bites compared  to the interview he gave just a few days ago.
All the buzz words are correct but the logic is fundamentally flawed.
It really is up to the international community to put an end to this nonsense immediately.
" If we are weak they don't respect us" ,"We know this game"and " Be  happy"  he smirks.
That is not a reason to commit atrocities on a people who have been denied the right to dignity and freedom, and it is not a game you psychopath.
The regime continues to slaughter without fear of retribution as they ruthlessly attempt to hold on to power.This has to be stopped.
Now on a practical side assets are continually being seized with a shipment of $160 million of Libyan currency having been intercepted and confiscated.
Claiming he has no assets outside Libya  Saif should not mind if his house in Winnington Close, Hampstead or as he says not his house (as it is utilized more often by his brother Alsaadi of Hollywood and football prowess) is used to shelter the homeless? As it not his,there should be no objections if the property is seized as assets obtained by dubious means and he prefers to stay at the Dorchester and Intercon hotels when he is not at Nats country estate anyway.

Come on Dave give the order! Your predecessors know as well as your old school mates whose house it is .
Just do the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! And for the house to be seized for such a worthy end is so very much in line with the image that Saif himself has labored so hard to project to the West -- until, that is, the mask fell and his true nature was revealed for the world to see.

    From your pen to the PM's ears, we can only hope. Great piece and great idea!
