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Tuesday 15 March 2011

Black gold ,America ,Iran and innocents slaughtered.

Martial law is imposed on Bahrain as the GCC troop invasion to prop up the failing Al Khalifa regime faces peaceful protesters with violence and brutality killing and injuring many.
Bahraini security operatives continue to employ force on unarmed protesters in Pearl Square who were only demanding their legitimate aspirations for constitutional change and greater participation in their own political destiny.
Bahrain is a polyglot state religiously and racially but with the ruling regime mainly Sunni but majority of the populous being Shia.
The Bahraini community is relatively small with around six hundred thousand citizens made from Sunni  tribes associated with the Al Khalifa regime such as the Utoob tribes , Al Mannai ,Dawasir,Al Nuaim etc.
The are Ajam who are ethnic Persians from both Sunni and Shia faith. There are the Baharna who are Shia Arabs divided between those indigenous to the Islands and the Hassawis from the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.The Afro Arabs who are descendants  of black African slaves , the Howlas who are descendants of Sunni Arabs who migrated to Persia then returned ., the Najdis  non tribal urban Sunni Arabs whose ancestors were pearl divers and traders. Then two smaller groups the Bania or Banyan who are of Indian origin and then a small Jewish community.
While international law is being violated and the International community turns a blind eye at attacks on the unarmed  civilian population one can't but help see what powers are at play.
Iran a major regional player and de facto  leader of "The Shia crescent" which now extends from Iran through to Iraq and up to Lebanon is begining to show concern at events there. This frightens western interests as that gives them vast control over the oil fields.
If Iran is successful in patching up at least in private it's very public rift with the United States then The Al Khalifa regime may be eventually sacrificed in order to keep America's other vassals in power and stability in the area.
These back room dealings are unfortunately part and parcel of the morally contaminated world we live in. War crimes are being committed by all who have a direct or indirect hand in events in Bahrain.
Meanwhile Mad Dog Gadaffi and his family continue to slaughter their own people.
For the sake of decency the resistance in Libya has now got to be armed. The double standards being employed by the US will only lead to more instability and heartbreak for families in the region who continue to lose loved ones.

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