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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Saturday 19 March 2011

You're braver than you beleive.

“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
 Christopher Robin to Pooh---AA Milne.

Wise words that the oppressed  in the Middle  East should not forget.
As the coalition forces finally give the the Libyan resistance the much needed help to combat Mad Mo and his Psycho son Saif we should not forget about the aspirations of the others in the region.
A message has been sent that should not be misinterpreted .
In Bahrain  unarmed civilians were repressed by invading mercenaries.
In Yemen a faltering regime does not know how to exit with dignity only blood. This story is repeated again and again throughout the Arabian world.
Gadaffi no doubt is ruthless but so are the rest. Legitimacy is lost when you turn your guns on your unarmed civilians demanding their dignity and right to self determination without fear of unlawful arrest or arbitrary detention.
Hopefully the hypocritical attitude we have witnessed from the International Community with regard to the others rights will not continue for much longer.
Our concerns should be for all people wishing freedom regardless of race colour or creed.
We live in a world of information and satellite television , the wool can no longer be pulled over people's eyes. Wikileaks and others like it have ensured that secret wheeling and dealing are a thing of the past. Call it straight and you have nothing to fear be duplicitous at your own peril. The people are smarter and braver than you think.
" if the person you are talking to doesn't appear to be listening, be patient it may be he has a small piece of fluff in his ear".
Wise Mr Milne....

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