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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Top Guns and cross dressers.

Qatari Top Guns

As Qatar sends it's " Top Guns" to support the imposition of the no fly zone over Libya the Saudis send weapons and the United Arab Emirates send cash.
Woopie. Well they can't send troops they are already up to their military capacity in defending the invasion of Bahrain by, God forbid ,Bahrainis.
 Ah if only we could import our soldiers from elsewhere. As the Saudi Foreign Minister promises to cut off the finger that is raised against them, I wonder who will be able to summon the waiters, if all their citizens are fingerless?
Organized slaughter, we realize, does not settle a dispute; it merely silences an argument.
Now that the cross dressing Arab Beleaugers seem to have been brought back into line by that brilliant stateswoman Emma Moussa, not to be confused with the  Libyan Foreign Minister Moussa Koussa it is the Americans who seem to be also dilly dallying as no one is quite sure what to do next. Who is in charge?
Well as we have been repeatedly told it is not about regime change  then what the hell were we thinking?
It's not about oil either we are told. So that rules out sending in owners of gas guzzling sports utility vehicles to support the boys of Bengazi then.
So what is it about?
Freedom? Human Dignity? The right to self determination? Economic and Political enfranchisement ?
To kill a man is not to defend a doctrine, but to kill a man. Let us not fool ourselves any longer, call a spade a spade and get on with it.
Well Mad Mo and his son Psycho Saif may well be booking their long overdue holiday tickets , though personally I think they should stand trial as should a plethora of Arab leaders who have turned their guns on their own. You get my drift Sal?Ah but then Saudi will withdraw all its investments if you dare put a deposed dictator on trial. I sense an acknowledgement of the inevitable must be behind that diplomatic gem.
As Henry Kissinger once said "No country can act wisely simultaneously in every part of the globe at every moment of time."
Just do it and do it quick, never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.
You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake.  At least let us act with the dignity that recent tragedies in Japan have shown us the human spirit possesses.

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