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Thursday 3 March 2011

The explosive fresh air

As everyone from the London School of Economics , who accepted money from Gadaffi to train Libya's new batch of psychopaths to the large bottomed diva of pop and new scrabble entry , Beyonce, are rapidly trying to distance themselves from the regime I notice a silence from the The other quartet, namely the Nat , Andy , Mandy and Blair section of the orchestra.
Whilst the singer donated her fees which she received for crooning to one of the tyrant's offspring,  to a Haiti charity the LSE somewhat surprisingly said it was going to give the donation back. To whom they plan to give the money back will be interesting to see. I wonder if the quartet will be that charitable?
Meanwhile the suffering mounts as the Libyan regime continues to commit crimes against it's people. It is somewhat heart warming to hear that the International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno - Ocampo put Libya's ruler and inner circle on notice that they will be investigating the war crimes that are being committed .
The United States however are being their usual two faced self.
One seasoned US diplomat recently quipped  " They don't know their chemical weapons from a can of Raid ( the well known household insecticide) "- He was talking about a recently filmed video, smuggled out of Libya taken by anti Gadaffi freedom fighters claiming what on closer inspection turned out to be aircraft ejection canisters as chemical weapons .
Now for an administration that never had a historic relationship with the truth and went to war with Iraq based on a lie , remember those weapons of mass distraction, I am curious by this  honest outburst. What was the meaning of this seemingly innocent remark?
It is apparent that the Americans, who as the Brits like to remind them are always late to a party are procrastinating.  Two world wars  and recent hesitation and outright indecency on matters of historical significance such as the Palestinian Israeli dilemma  come to mind, expose the  delay tactics that are increasingly being employed as their traditional vassals fall like a house of cards .
They were quick to freeze over $30 billion in Libyan assets, yet both the Brits and the Yanks have strategic interests in the Middle East and are both major arms providers to the dictatorship that is falling .
Are these tactics a frag mint of their imagination , really a breath of explosive fresh air, or just an excuse to sell more weapons to a new generation of clients? Only time will tell.
So far the evolution  of the revolution has been about gaining freedom , no anti western sentiment of any significance is apparent. However if Gadaffi is allowed to stay then that could change rapidly.


1 comment:

  1. This column should be syndicated- is there anyone out there?
