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Wednesday 23 March 2011

Morally tainted in Cairo.

Although the endgame in Libya remained unclear, Gates, not Bill but Defence chief Robert, said during a visit to Egypt that mounting pressure on Mad Mo's regime could encourage his associates or even members of his family to turn on him.
"I think there are any number of possible outcomes here and no one is in a position to predict them, whether there are further major defections within his own ruling circle, whether there are divisions within his family," he said.
Great so Psycho Saif and Mad Mo won't be playing monopoly together soon and we still don't know what the endgame is.
Now If that is not an even more moronic propaganda coup for the Gadaffi regime than Willy Hague's  " it is not about regime change" mumbo jumbo then slap my ass and call me Sally .
On the one hand you have the coalition claiming they have taken out his eyes and ears and destroyed his Air force whilst still saying they are in there for the long haul.
What does all this mean?
For the love of God if you can't take out a bloodthirsty deranged and under equipped dictator whose military assets are nearly as old as the regime itself then you are in the wrong business.
Why put us under potential terrorist reprisals because that is exactly what he will do as his swan song.
He has to be neutralised otherwise you are opening a Pandora's box of tricks and boy will it be ugly.
Well at least the cross dressing Arab Beleagueres are having fun in Cairo, don't you love these almost weekly get togethers where there is more methane than a manure farm?
Now what about Yemen and Bahrain?
What has happened to the moral fibre in the world, have we all become so morally tainted that we can not differentiate between right and wrong?

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