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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

The vulgar cars are back!

The complete detachment of the Colonel from reality and his continued homicidal bombings have got to be acted upon.
This man and his family have to be stopped and tried for the crimes they are committing. It is an outrage that those who have the military capability and assets in the area don't do a black box operation. There certainly is enough International condemnation at what is happening on the ground that a move like that would be universally supported.
There is human suffering of an epic magnitude, common decency has to prevail.
Meanwhile in the Arabian peninsula  the desire to be free from the shackles of tyranny continue.
On my daily strolls I noticed more of those vulgarly shiny cars ,that have been absent since the summer are once again being parked outside the five star hostelries . This time with UAE plates, which goes to show that bad judgement and taste has no bounds , whilst the youth of Arabia are nobly fighting and dying to enfranchise themselves in order to have a better future  the  Sheiks who have denied so many of their human rights continue to spend with such wanton abandon. It is disheartening to see and compounded by the fact that they are buying public opinion in the west with a ferocity that would have been better spent applying the rule of law in their own countries.
Ah well even though the weather is supposedly cool this time of year in the Gulf to many of these tinpot Sheiks it may be getting too hot.
And how can they disguise and hide their assets if they were at home.
 London Geneva and New York will no doubt be very busy in the upcoming weeks as they scramble to squirrel their ill gotten gains from any potential international sanctions.
Beware not everybody has Nelson's eye or Beethoven's ears.


  1. One can only hope that their continued bad judgment will be their ultimate downfall and that those who do see and hear will act to help bring it about.

  2. I now hear Algeria is sending troops to help Gadaffi, if that is true then Bouteiflika is as guilty for crimes against humanity as the Colonel.It never ceases to amaze me that at the feast of ego everyone leaves hungry .

  3. The Arab league has just proved itself as useless as the leaders of the Arab world. They don't have the moral backbone to lead, ah well I suppose what the Americans have shown us that if voting could really change thing then it would be illegal. Soo frustrating

  4. Mubarak is in Saudi so much for the travel ban!
