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Monday 7 March 2011

I can't waltz only belly dance.

Well what an interesting few days we have had.
While Washington and Riyadh hammer out a deal for the Saudi 's to send arms to the resistance in Benghazi no doubt on the understanding that they can continue suppress their own dissenters without rebuke from Washington, a number of SAS operatives from a group known as the increment and a MI 6 agent were captured in what proved to be a PR coup for the mad dictator.
 Though eventually freed amongst claims that they were trying to make contact with the leaders of the uprising it took the HMS Cumberland and frantic diplomatic negotiations to ensure their safe return .
So William Hague's contention that it was a diplomatic mission,regardless that there was a firefight and all those maps  and passports they had with them when as  political commentator Andrew Neil tweeted " takes so long for folk to get just one renewed these days ", proves another embarrassing fiasco.
The Americans however, in a diplomatic coup of their own, were able to get the Gulf Cooperation Council to request the imposition of a no fly zone over Libya.
There can now be no doubt that the US and Europe will turn a blind eye to the repressions the  GCC will impose on their own people as the Saudis and Co. funnel arms as requested to Libya.
The Al Khalifa regime in Bahrain and others may be safe for a while longer in this trade off , but all will be clearer once the extent of the brutality in surpressing internal dissent is known.
 Remember Willy Hague's comments a few weeks ago " to avoid excessive violence " as if a little cruelty will be OK.
 Well let us hope that the international community does not allow this deal as an excuse for the Gulf regimes to suppress the legitimate aspirations of their peoples.
Meanwhile in Vienna, Silvio's former squeeze and center of the Italian PM's own nightmare Karima Al Mahroug aka Ruby, attends one of Austria's most prestigious shindigs, the world renowned  Opera Ball, relegating the Libyan revolution and other news events to the back pages of their newspapers.
" I can't waltz, I can only belly dance", she purred, as Toni Faber the head priest of St Stephen's Cathedral warned those that were shocked by her presence  " the tax collectors and prostitutes will get into heaven before you."
It's surprising that Prince Andy wasn't there or at least Fergie as Ruby was paid an alleged$50k to attended. Oh well they do have problems of their own.
A puzzling statement by Deutche bank as they declare that payments to prostitutes and lap dancers are no longer an acceptable business expense, makes me wonder if all this time all these politicians and princess did no wrong, as obviously they must have once been legitimate! 
 Ah to bank with those city boys!  
I wonder if Tony is considering giving the money he got from Gadaffi Inc to charity yet? Hmm I don't think hell has frozen over yet, well not according to the Morgans anyway.


  1. Very interesting indeed! Thanks for that news roundup -- a perfect way to end or begin the day. I agree with Coffee Trix: this blog should definitely be syndicated.

  2. The deal is sealed....
    "... America issued its own warning on travel to Saudi Arabia today, following up on British Airways' decision to ground its services to the Gulf state. The US state department updated its travel warning to alert Americans to "increased security concerns in Saudi Arabia".
    BA announced yesterday that it had temporarily scrapped its four services a week to Jeddah and Riyadh after holding talks with the Department for Transport.
    The state department warned all Americans to postpone non-essential travel, due to the "potential for further terrorist actions".The warning added: "The US Government has received indications of terrorist threats aimed at American and Western interests, including the targeting of transportation and civil aviation."There is credible information that terrorists have targeted Western aviation interests in Saudi Arabia."...
    Ahh an excuse for the Saudis to put down any struggle for freedom.
    Well let us hope the Libyan freedom fighters get their arms now.

  3. Unfortunately the Libyan freedom fighters were getting clobbered today by the mad and brutal dictator despite their representatives' diplomatic victory with Sarkozy. All the hemming and hawing about no-fly zones continues while Gaddhafi uses air strikes to decimate his own people. Very sad. Do hope you're right and they do get their arms, but today's news didn't sound encouraging, with many predicting a long civil war...

  4. It's a horse trade being paid by the blood of innocents. Saudi has started the brutal suppression of the" Day of rage" expected tomorrow . Let us hope they don't commit crimes against humanity on their own populations whilst supplying the Intrim resistance of Libya with enough weaponry to oust Gadaffi and his homicidal kids.
    The generally benevolent Despots of the GCC can if they do not slaughter their own people gently make the transitions to more enfranchisement rapidly as long as they don't have blood on their hands.
    But great to know the open double standards being applied .
    It will haunt our soles for iternity..
    Abraham L was prepared to sacrifice certain principles to guard others. Let us pray that the right moves are made on just moral grounds.
    We live in the info- age secrets are hard to keep, and conspiracy comes to mind.
