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Friday 18 March 2011

Reasons to intervene

The Libyan government has announced an immediate ceasefire, less than two hours after Prime Minister David Cameron said British fighter jets would be deployed to enforce a United Nations no-fly zone.
This is a cynical move by Mad Mo to buy breathing space from foreign attacks after last nights historic UNSC resolution 1973.
Though many skeptics will see any intervention as a violation of Libya's sovereignty and set a precedent for the superpowers to have a field day as it will take the impetus from the resistance as the people will become beholden to them and lose control of their own destiny I believe that intervention is crucial to ending the tyranny inflicted on the Libyans by Mad Mo and psycho Saif.
Though implementation of a No Fly Zone  may initially escalate the conflict as the old regime tries ruthlessly to grab on, the safeguards in UNSC resolution 1973  means that there will not be a full scale armed presence as in Iraq or Afghanistan.
The Libyans deserve their up to now denied aspirations.
We should not be under any illusions, the forces at work are already embroiled across the Middle East, trying to preserve their interests and influence as their vassals are falling one by one. Yes it is about oil, markets and stability.
There may be turmoil for the foreseeable  future as power vacuums need to be filled but unlike Iraq, Libya's current regime is relying on mercenaries to keep it in control so I do not see any need for an invading ground force, just good logistical support to the decent Libyan resistance.
No one can guarantee that the new regimes that take up the mantles of leadership in the New Arab awakening are not corrupt or that old adversaries will reconcile .
Real freedom is a process not an event.
And that should not be denied to the people of Libya, Palestine Yeman, Saudi or Bahrain whether Pearl square is demolished or not.
Everyone deserves the right to choose their own destiny. Let us give the people their dignity back.

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