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Tuesday 15 March 2011

War crimes and mercenaries.

The GCC troops that have currently invaded Bahrain, as there really no other word for it, are a military intervention on behalf of a failing regime in order to prop it up.
Our TV screens show tanks armoured vehicles and a range of weaponry that is inconsistent with the regimes claim that they have been invited there to help bolster the police and security forces. 
They are there to quash a peaceful uprising by a people no longer happy with a corrupt and now I believe illegitimate leadership. When a regime not only turns it's guns on it's own people but brings in foreign mercenaries to use force on the local population as is the case here as well as Libya then they have no right to rule.
Though the US says it does not regard this as an invasion  the intervention itself causes a plethora of transgressions in international law.
Bahrain is important to the US as the Al Khalifa regime have been a key in safeguarding American interests  in the area and is home to the Fifth Fleet.
That does not make it right for them to agree with the violence deployed.
I think it is time for these mercenaries, those that sent them and the Bahraini regime to be put on notice of war crimes if the brutality that is ongoing continues. 

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