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Tuesday 22 March 2011

Weddings Mad Dogs and Englishmen.

'I suppose this means I won't be getting an invitation to the Royal wedding.'

"We want Willie, We want Willie". Chanted the crowd in support of the Queens popular grandson as he finished his tour of earthquake hit New Zealand and Australian disaster zones.
Later this year he will marry his longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton. I suspect that Psycho Saif and his father Mad dog Mo will not be attending the wedding nuptials.
As forces of the coalition of the brave continue to bombard pro Gadaffi positions  while Emma Moussa of the Arab cross dressing Beleagueres dilly dallies like a Nancy boy we can only pray for a rapid end to this crises.
As they say in the "Scottish play"
" if it were done when 'tis done, then  t'were well it were done quickly." so Macbeth grabbed his dagger and killed the King.
As in the play the results may not be what we expect but at least it lays the foundation to a more rightful future.
Ahh thank God for Mad dogs and Englishmen who go out in the mid day sun.

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