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Thursday 24 March 2011

Liberty and Lightening

"Those who are tardy do not get fruit cup cake" said Nurse Diesel in the 1977 Mel Brooks film High Anxiety
Well anxious we all are as no one is sure about anything in the Middle East any more.
With a split amongst the Americans on how to address the legitimate concerns of the people from Morocco to the Arabian Gulf , there is only confusion as the hypocrisy of the international community's stand becomes naked for all to see. A little bit of the Emperors clothes me thinks....
Now America has chosen to be the 911 or 999 call that those oppressed seek to look to for guidance , remember those famous words of the  Statue of Liberty  song which include  the iconic lines" Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free "
Well nobody is asking to mass migrate but We do have a collective responsibility to safeguard basic human dignity and universally acknowledged human rights.
Those rights include but are not limited to the right of free assembly and the right to self determination.
The Saudis are panicking on how to deal with the " Arabian Spring" which has nothing to do with the weather but the liberating tsunami that has engulfed the Middle East.
Threats of fingerless citizens still have no place in the current climate.
The Gulf Arabs have cut an unconscionable deal to suppress their own people in giving the International community the support it needs in neutralizing Mad Mo and others of his ilk a little further away.
Yemen as well as Bahrain is proving even more confusing to the leaders of the free world. With no idea how to respond appropriately and much at stake this procrastination will cause many headaches for a long time to come.
The fiction of an Islamic terror conspiracy is banded about for fear mongering and has even lead to the first public confrontation between the Russian President and his Prime Minister.
Before this does turn into a clash of civilizations and allows other darker forces to work let us unite in giving the people the rights they so clearly seek.
Otherwise it will be liberty that is struck by lightening.

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