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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time.

It beggars belief the shear fear that exists amongst the current crop of Middle Eastern despots that are plundering their nations as if they were personal fiefdoms.
The latest statement that came out of the Arab Beleaguers was so wishy washy that it was a waste of time for their Foreign Ministers to meet at all. I am surprised it did not make the more honest of these diplomats, and there are a few, cringe with embarrassment at the fraud they are helping perpetuate on their people.
Ah well a little like expecting the foxes to guard the hen house I suppose.
Thank goodness the Arab world has a new generation of brave competent and energized youth who will no longer accept the shackles and lies imposed on them by a corrupt and decadent leadership.
Finally they have found a cause that not only are they prepared to fight for but if necessary to die for.
The fear America and its satellites are showing is quite irrational as it belatedly pays lip service to the aspirations of these young freedom fighters who are only demanding what here in the West people take for granted namely the right to self determination, the right to choose and the right to prosper.
The Brits and Europeans are also giving so many mixed messages  it has become obscene.
The Russians love to upset everyone as they have their own repression issues.
The Chinese are quaking in their boots not only  if freedom fever moves towards them but if it spreads in Africa where they have become paymaster general as they have been surreptitiously  buying African resources on the cheap.
 Proxy diplomacy that is costing Arab blood  is no longer acceptable.
 Don't interact with  us as your factotums.The  universe will conspire to give you your comeuppance, history has shown that.
Is it so hard to understand we just want to be treated with respect and dignity? We just want our freedom. For the love of God let us have it.
Don't worry; it only seems kinky the first time.  


  1. Too funny! The last line, that is. Nonetheless it is all spot on. Very well said!

  2. Very nice
    I like
    Thank you Tawfiq

  3. Spot on agian...keep blOgging

  4. Your voice is needed in this brave new world!! Keep writing :)
