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Sunday 29 May 2011

Armageddon and Hypocritical Diplomacy.

Rumours are abounding of a dangerous and ill conceived  secret Saudi Israeli deal being hatched for Saudi backing for a military option against Iran with America having negotiated the supply of armaments and weaponry including state of the art jet fighters and military bases in a sixty billion plus $US, this if verified ,brings the region ever closer to Armageddon .
As The Syrian regime plunges deeper into the chasms of brutality with the International Community remaining shamefully silent and Saudi Arabia pushing for a new Saudi ruled republic in southern Yemen it is astonishing to what degree America and Europe are willing to sacrifice their ideals for short term commercial pragmatism .
In Libya meanwhile Gaddafi is still ignoring the will of the International Community despite having finally lost the backing of Russia. The Cameron-Sarkozy visit to Benghazi supposedly to give backing to the transitional government will once again prove to be only a photo opportunity.
Whilst double standards and hypocritical approaches are applied to the desire for freedom and self determination then one can rule out any meaningful change in the region.
Israeli intransigence to finding a fair and equitable peace with the Palestinians will only add fuel to this fire.
Real freedom and peace must be universally applied. Hope has be able to triumph over adversity and commercialism otherwise our morality will be outflanked our perversions.

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