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Saturday 21 May 2011

Obama's humiliation.

Benjamin Netanyahu publicly humiliates Barak Obama in his own office by rejecting the US Presidents efforts on a Palestinian Israeli peace based on 1967 border demarkations  thus confirming Arab fears that Obama is really not committed to putting pressure on Israel especially as US Presidential elections are not that far away.
It was quite sad to see a grinning President as he was scolded quite the contrast from when he was gloating over the extrajudicial killing of Osama Bin Laden.
With the same old faces that have failed over decades still advising the President it is no wonder that Netanyahu feels empowered. Dennis Ross being instrumental in orchestrating this humiliation  instead of serving Americas interests.
Time and regional dynamics have changed however and if Israel remains intransigent and continues to suppress Palestinian aspirations then not only are they doomed but American influence will become irrelevant as the region will evolve using a different formula.
The moral high ground is with the forces of peace however Israel's continued rejection of peace despite it being the only long term viable option may give a voice to extremism which would keep wounds festering and only add to the chaos.
America should use its cheque book diplomacy to force Israel to accept the new realities on the ground instead of being frightened by the political logrolling that Israel and it's lobbyists  command in both the Senate and House of Representatives.  

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