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Friday 13 May 2011

Kings and the dish-dash business

As Jordan and Morocco inch closer to becoming members of the Gulf Cooperation Council though neither are in the Arabian Gulf the benefits to them  are potentially  great.
In return for supplying security  they get access to cheep  oil and inward investments while belonging to a sort of Monarchs Club. Sort of the same criteria that was used to invite them to the Royal Wedding here in April.
The brutal Al Khalifa regime will be able to survive with perhaps the once all powerful prime minister there being sacrificed.Shameful really.
In Yemen a natural GCC partner Ali Saleh is still running circles around efforts to get him to resign. The longer he stays the worse off the region will be. Now if he had only made himself a King they might have asked him to stay.
Meanwhile in Syria rumours abound that the Good Doctors wife has done a runner with her three children and is now holed up in London. Let us hope she has done it for the right reasons namely she does not want her children to grow up knowing they will have to kill to stay stay in power. It won't be much longer now as the pillars of Assad's power begin to show signs of weakness.
In Libya the struggle continues against Mad Mo 's regime.
As for me I think I should get into the dish- dash business well with all these newly made Gulfies someone has to dress them in their flowing robes.

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