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Tuesday 24 May 2011

The snake in the Garden of Eden had more morals

With Obama enjoying the full Monty on his State visit to the United Kingdom , talking about the "essential relationship" between the UK and the US and meeting the the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to make up for his obvious absence at the royal wedding , Netanyahu used the opportunity to humiliate the US President once again.
This time in his speech to both houses of the US congress where he was received with no less than twenty five standing ovations as he spewed his distorted message to a hungry audience that is reliant on AIPAC's ability to raise money for the upcoming elections.
It makes a mockery of the principles that the United States were founded upon as lie after lie was lapped up.
 As Netanyahu said, to loud applause (and with President Obama clearly in mind), peace cannot be imposed. It must be negotiated. And Israel does not have a negotiating partner, thus exposing what all have known that it is his government that has no desire for peace.
Peace is a process not an an event and even an emasculated Palestinian State is a no starter for him. As one analyst put it it the Palestinians would " only be in control of the hight of their buildings and the depths of their graves" not any real semblance of sovereignty .
Shame on all who clapped and all who allowed this repulsive man to spin his eloquent web of deceit. The snake in the Garden of Eden had more morals.

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