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Wednesday 25 May 2011

The left hander

Seeing President Obama signing the visitors book at Westminster Abbey must have brought joy to those that believe in the American Dream.
Here we have the first black President brought up by his impoverished though hard working white family whilst his Kenyan father is obliterated from the history books. Against all odds he rises to the challenges before him and gets elected to the Worlds most powerful job.
Though he starts with enthusiasm and good intentions he soon realizes that is not how Washington works. 
Having lost control of both houses in the mid term elections he turns his attention to foreign policy where in principle he has a semblance of control.
For good measure he starts his own war in Libya but he can justify that and everybody knows you need your own war.
As events become more fluid he is told not to interfere in other areas where his allies interests are diametrically opposed to human rights and the rule of law.
So he gently  rebukes Syria, vaguely mentions Bahrain , ignores Saudi Arabia and whilst still brimming with hope makes the mistake of mentioning the Palestinian Israeli issue using  generally acknowledged parameters for peace.
The wrath of Netanyahu is unleashed before him as he is forced to back pedal to the all powerful AIPAC. Meanwhile his nemesis enjoys standing ovation after standing ovation as he plunges the area into guaranteed chaos with his clever forked tongue.
A foreign trip would make it all right there he is greeted like a superstar and no one mentions his humiliation. But then he has to sign the visitors book and guess what, he mentally goes back to a quieter time and writes May 2008 when the world really was his oyster.
In his clumsy left hand he scrawls his message.
Left hand? What in an Abbey that was built in the Middle Ages at a time they believed that a person writing with their left hand was possessed by the Devil.
How appropriate though I am sure that Netanyahu can be exorcised . Sinistra really. 

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