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Saturday 14 May 2011

Headless chickens, war and robes

With the U.S Middle East peace envoy George Mitchell resigning over what I suspect is Israeli intransigence over the continued expansion of Israeli settlements in occupied Palestinian Territory just days before Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington may show at last to the world Israeli lack of resolve in finding a permanent solution to the Palestine issue.
 Fatah and Hamas having signed a unity accord last week has put the fox in the chicken coop with Netanyahu running around like a headless chicken as another barrier towards a Palestinian State falls. "You can not have peace with both Israel and Hamas" he warned.
The Israelis are now spreading rumours that Obama is actively courting the  Islamic brotherhood with the extrajudicial assassination of Osama Bin Laden being the fist step in eliminating radical Islam whilst supporting  the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood's Sura Council member Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh, who said he would run as an independent, for the Egyptian Presidency.
Meanwhile Suzanne Mubarak has supposedly suffered a heart attack whilst being interrogated for graft. Syria and Yemen should take note the longer you hang on the more likely you will be tried for your past crimes regardless of your age.
More deaths are being reported in Syria  and the Good Doctors cousin Rami Makhlouf was reported  as saying that Syria would go to war against Israel if the U.S and their allies did not back off from supporting the uprising. An unlikely scenario as the whole reason the Assad regime has survived is that it has been enjoying a cold peace with Israel.
Further proof that the regime is showing signs of weakness are the  rumours that the glamorous First lady Asma Al Assad has fled to London with her children while Hizbollah has decided to pull its heavy weaponry out of storage in Syrian military facilities as the suppression has become harder in the light of the dissemination of information and lack of fear the protesters are showing.
And me I think I have to get those robes flowing after all.

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