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Friday 6 May 2011

Friday bloody Friday

As Syria braces itself for new wave of protests Tanks were reported to have taken up positions in the urban centres of Homs, Rastan and Banias.Expect a bloody Friday after prayers.
The Good Doctor is has enjoyed the ways of murder and taken to them like a duck to water.
With little or muted response from the International Community at the atrocities that are being inflicted by him on a civilian population that have been suppressed for far too long, the Doctor no doubt feels embolden by the extrajudicial killing of Osama Bin Laden.
Well if the Americans can do it why can't he?
 The hypocrisy that has plagued dealings in the Middle East by the West has to come to an end. 
The legitimate demands and aspirations of the people of the Middle East will be met one way or the other and these decrepit dictatorships have shown they cannot react rapidly enough to conform to modern  norms of good governance .
Now with their evil villain dead who can these Dictators blame?  There is no Islamic bogeyman just a wish by a people to be free, and adherence to the rule of law is a good start for all of us.

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