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Sunday 24 April 2011

Americas selective values

Well as it looks like Robert Gates is set to resign as Secretary of Defence which may bode better for Hilary as tensions between the huge departments have been strained to say he least. As Gates goes to say his goodbyes and no doubt pick up a few after office prezzies from his Gulf allies his old friend Ali Abdalla Saleh is set to resign within the next month in a deal struck by the GCC. He his family and cohorts have all been promised immunity from prosecution. I personally was not aware that the GCC had that sort of power to grant immunity from crimes against humanity.
The brutal crackdown continues in Bahrain and as if nothing is wrong Prince Charles has sent the Al Khalifas an invite to the Royal Wedding. Who advises these people on timing? Or like Gates do they want a few more prezzies?
With bloodbaths looking set to continue in Syria , the Good Doctor learning the ways of brutal dictatorship like a natural, recent Wikileaks released documents show that the US State Department has been secretly backing opposition groups to bring down his downfall and funding such projects as the London based satellite channel Barada TV. It must unnerve Israel who have been enjoying a cold peace with the the Assads  who kept hostility to mainly rhetoric .
With so much hypocritical foreign policy decisions being taken it is a wonder anything get done at all.
Time for thinking out of the box otherwise others will, a case in point is the proposed power damn that the Chinese want to sponsor in Ethiopia which will effect Egypt or more chillingly the potential Iranian intervention in Syria to support the Assad regime.
American humanitarian values applied selectively will only lay the foundation for future chaos.

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