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Friday 22 April 2011

Anyone for Farsi?

While the Americans have meeting to have meetings on meetings etcetera etcetera someone finally in the  State Department  said this week, "It may not be Vietnam but barring someone close to Gaddafi  `taking him out', it's not going to go our way quickly.
Not really surprising as everyone dilly dallied about what the real objective in Libya was.
At one point it became a shop window for the arms industries competing fighter jet manufacturers then it was saving civilians  then finally said it was regime change. Now how difficult was that.
Optimists in the Middle East are learning English  pessimists are learning Farsi and realists are cleaning their Kalashnikovs .
The motivations for the Arab Spring are not hard to find. If people are poor and unemployed they are unhappy. Poor people are angry people and when regime change or rapid reform does not happen then you are lighting a tinderbox.
Bahrain is a prime example, there the ruling regime has lost its legitimacy and with the Grand Ayatollah Sistani expressing concern at the brutal crackdown America must be worried about the home of the Fifth Fleet. The longer it goes on the more they have to worry.
The Good Doctor in Syria has lost his also and without a mass murdering henchman in sight ( his uncle is in London ) the Sunni majority have to take charge.
Ah now where can I find an Ak 47? 

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