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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Monday 4 April 2011

Arna's Child

When does a murder become an assassination?
In the city of Jenin in the West Bank a man of peace was shot and murdered for no apparent reason.  In the process peace was assassinated.
That man was an Arab Israeli actor and peace activist  Juliano Mer Khamis who directed a children's theatre in the West Bank city.
The Freedom theatre was one of many efforts to build bridges and understanding in an area where it is easier to destroy than to build.
What makes this murder more repulsive is that Juliano was the embodiment of the possibility of peace. Born to an Israeli Jewish mother and a Palestinian Christian father he had chosen to live in Jenin and founded the Freedom theatre some seven years ago, to give children a new way of life free from anxiety, stress and war.
In 2004 he had produced a film called "Arna's Children" based on his mothers work which won international acclaim.
It is when voices like Juliano's are silenced that we are all at risk.
While Shimon Peres and Barak Obama are to meet to discuss furthering peace talks Israeli officials in Jerusalem took steps to advance controversial housing in the West Bank and disputed areas in Jerusalem .
Unfortunately these unilateral decisions  taken by Israel will mean that innocent blood will be spilt from all sides as we lose the moral high ground to militants and people like Netanyahu who have no desire for peace as that would make them irrelevant.
With enough hypocritical behaviour already apparent in the way things are handled in the Middle East let us hope that the powers that be do not let Juliano's death pass lightly and every effort is made to end the causes of that feed violence and hate and get the stalled peace talks moving.
As for the children of Jenin  we can't even begin to imagine what emotions they are experiencing now, as the world mourns Arna's child.
Rest in peace my friend the world is a sadder place without you.

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