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Thursday 28 April 2011

Poor people are angry people.

With the failure of the United Nations Security Council to come up with a resolution  as there was a lack of support for  a draft proposed by France, Britain, Germany and Portugal for the condemnation of the Syrian crackdown on protesters it will be interesting to hear what the regime makes of the resignation of the two hundred odd Ba'ath  party members over the homicidal use of violence.
Certainly the conditions for regime change in Syria are there after years of economic stagnation and lack of participation the majority Sunni population deserve the freedom we all enjoy in the West , with or without World powers blessing. Though Saudi Arabia may offer this repulsive regime a lifeline by helping to slow the rate of information being fed to the street by demanding its Al Arabiya satellite channel stops reporting from there and blocking it's Thuraya mobile communications system.
Though Syria has been enjoying a cold peace with Israel  the time has come for Israel to realize that change is inevitable and therefore they have to approach the Palestinian - Israeli  solution with fairness and rapidly.
 Where Hafez Al Assad the current dictators ruthless father excelled in taking advantage of Syria’s value to Israel and the United States as a key player in Arab politics and as the symbolic stronghold of radical Arab nationalism, the Good Doctor though learning fast the ways of brutal dictatorship is not up to the task.
There is a genuine opportunity after the West's failure to stop the repression in Bahrain to ease regime change in Syria, and stop the Arab Spring becoming a sectarian strife but one about enfranchisement economic and political participation . Poor people are angry people so we should not allow the conditions for long term chaos to thrive. 

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