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Saturday 9 April 2011

Mind how you topple.

What a topsy turvey world we live in.
Who would have thought that good old communist China would embrace capitalism at breakneck speed overtaking America it's spiritual home in it's public support of it?
Or that Mad Mo would would still be in power despite the bombings?
And how about the latest batch of honesty from the State Department publishing a damning report on human rights abuses .The report, mandated by Congress for the past 35 years, offered a blistering portrayal of government repression in countries across the Middle East and beyond, including those where the administration retains close security partnerships. It cited continuing restrictions of political freedoms and widespread abuses by the police and security forces against those viewed as dissenters, underscoring the administration’s sometimes awkward balance between idealism and pragmatism in foreign relations.
Protests erupted across much of the Arab world on Friday, the Muslim day of prayer, with demonstrators killed in Syria and Yemen while Egyptians staged one of the biggest rallies since President Hosni Mubarak’s fall.
Syrian security forces killed 17 pro-democracy demonstrators and two were shot dead in Yemen. In Saudi Arabia local Shi’ites protested in the oil-producing east to call for the withdrawal of Saudi troops from neighboring Bahrain.
Well Saudi has come up with a new solution to the problems they are facing. Just close your eyes and don't acknowledge that there are problems. Fascinating really , not quite sure which planet they are living on. These problems are not going to be addressed only by security measures.
It is as Hillary Clinton said “Freedom from fear makes economies grow as citizens invest, innovate and participate. Where human rights matter, children grow up with the precious belief that they matter, too, that they should be able to live in dignity and shape their own destinies.”
Let us not forget that this awakening is about change and enfranchisement , the rule of law and a better future. So mind how you topple.

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