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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Clowns and lion tamers.

Diogenes the Cynic used to go around Athens with a lamp in daylight claiming to be looking for an honest man. We could well use that lamp today as the morally contaminated society we live in corrupts our environment . Virtue is better served with actions rather than words.
With barely lip service being paid to the ongoing massacres that are happening in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East as repressive authoritarian regimes attempt to cling on to power the conditions for longer term chaos are only increasing.
We are told to prepare for the long haul in Libya, which with already an estimated forty percent of it military incapacitated encourages other homicidal leaders to hang on longer as the impotence and lack of coherent strategy being exhibited by NATO only emboldens them.
If these despots are not made accountable to the world for their ruthlessness then we are  in for a dark period indeed.

Club Secretary: I say, Lawrence. You are a clown!
T.E. Lawrence: Ah, well, we can't all be lion tamers. 

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