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Saturday 16 April 2011

Hypocritical Democracy.

While we talk about regime change in Libya we only talk about reform in Bahrain yet Bahrain has repressed it's religious Shia majority.
If Iran had sent troops to help Syria to suppress it's dissenters would Washington have remained silent ? Certainly any criticism of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates participation in the security crackdown has been muted, but while double standards are applied, little will guarantee long term stability.
Call me old fashioned but true stability can only come from the people being satisfied with their leadership their economic and political participation,  the removal of fear from arbitrary detention  and the rule of law.
Any regime that turns it's weaponry on their own citizens must surely forfeit their right to rule. In this fluid but integrated global society it is only a question of time before unacceptable practices will no longer be tolerated as fear barriers tumble and people are aware that their aspirations are not only legitimate but an inherent right.
The quicker regime change takes place in repressive autocracies the more likely that stability will ensue. Equity and the principles of justice is what will ultimately bring peace and thus stability to the region.
Though countries such as the United States and Britain have taken it upon themselves to support selective regime change trying to install one proxy for another supporting reform in some countries and not in others these  measures are short sighted as hypocritical principles are no longer guaranteed to keep puppet regimes in place.
The people of the Middle East have regained their voice and overcome their fear and those who oppress these changes are the ones who are on the wrong side of history.

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