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Tuesday 26 April 2011

It's raining bullets

 Syrian media outlet Al Watan reported on Saturday that the protesters in Midan near Damascus had taken to the streets to celebrate the rain rather than protest against the bloodthirsty Assad regime. It defies belief that in this day and age the Asaad regime thinks that they can continue to violate the people's intelligence.
As tanks and snipers continue to be deployed against unarmed peaceful protesters the world shamefully can only condemn the use of violence exposing the hypocritical approach to Middle East foreign policy.
The days of the Bashar Al Asaad are numbered and without doubt he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Syria being a repressive authoritarian police state it is ridiculous for them to continue to blame outside influences , Salfiti Islamic provocateurs or Israeli spies for the demonstrations and resulting massacres. Syria has been enjoying a cold peace with Israel and given all of the minority Alawites are in control of the armed forces and intelligence apparatus it is a hard sell that these extremists just appeared from nowhere as much as it is unbelievable they did not have a hand in Rafik Hariri's assassination .
Meanwhile the UAE have continued their crackdown on dissent just weeks  after arresting three human right activists. The move is just further evidence of the lack of respect shown by the authoritarian regime for the rule of law and respect of human dignity.
Mad Mo Gaddafi  is seen prancing about after NATO's strike on his compound failed to take him out giving rise to the North Koreans telling the Chinese that if that is the best Americas got they have nothing to worry about.
Palestinian Authority President Abu Mazin claims Obama left him in the lurch using a witty  metaphor of being left up a tree without a ladder, he must have a new script writer as he is not known for his brilliance.
Brace yourselves for the Arab Spring to turn into a hot summer.

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