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Willing to listen not frightened to speak.

Friday 22 April 2011

Let my people go.

It is now self evident that there has to be regime change in the Foreign and Commonwealth office. 
Willie " I don't have a clue" Hague continues to sputter gibberish from his mouth like   "I condemn the killing of demonstrators." And the more patronising "The Syrian government should address the legitimate demands of the Syrian people."
Comments like that are unhelpful and only go to show the lack of moral fibre that has permeated modern British political thinking .
Where once people around the world feared loved and respected UK foreign policy now they can barely smirk at the idiocy that is oozing out of the FCO. 
The Good Doctor is learning the ways of homicidal dictatorship like water off a ducks back with over three hundred kills in the last few weeks alone, now granted it is not in the same league as his father and uncle but something that still warrants the attention of the International Court of Justice. Time for him to leave.
Now Hilary is displaying a touch that Bill would be proud of and I hope her sanity overcomes the ongoing pettiness that has hampered the relationship between the Department of Defence and the State Department when it comes to balancing ideology and pragmatism .
We have to shape the world we live in otherwise others will and I am far too old to be learning a new language. For once short term strategy should be shelved for long term benefits and in the words of Moses " let my people  go". 

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